Rho Gammas

Rho Gammas

Monday, August 4, 2014

Cheltzie Briana Michele - New School, Same Sorority

My sorority journey is pretty unique. I joined my sorority at a previous university, and was able to switch chapters when I decided to transfer schools for a new major halfway through my sophomore year. It was the scariest thing I'd ever done; in three semesters, my sorority had become the most important thing in my life, and I was terrified that I'd lose that when I came to UNI. Thankfully, I was completely mistaken. My sisters at my new chapter at UNI welcomed me in with open arms. They saw that I was struggling with the transition, but they invited me to study, get meals, and just hang out all the time. In fact, I was even able to run for a position, and these girls who had never even met me elected me to serve my new chapter. It was a tough semester, but I was so lucky to have a place of belonging at UNI when everything else was new and unfamiliar. 
I've been at UNI for three semesters now, and I'll be going into my last year here this fall. I honestly cannot believe that this has only been my home for a short amount of time. I have been given opportunities to represent my chapter at conferences, serve in other positions, and plan an organize events. My sorority has helped me grow and conquer challenges I never expected, the most surprising of all being focused on personal development. When I joined the UNI FSL community, I was a little out of place, and a lot nervous; honestly that's laughable now! I have made so many friends in this community, I feel empowered every day, and I am a better person because of this experience. The best version of me, actually. 
My journey will be different than any of yours, but that's what makes it special. It's unique. It's mine. I am so excited for you to begin your journey here at UNI. The road may begin as scary, and eventually you'll hit bumps, twists, and many dead ends, but the best thing about traveling through this experience is that you will never travel alone. My sisters are right next to me with junk food, maps, and loud music to ensure that my journey is as fun, beneficial, and life-changing as it possibly can be. I have met my soulmates at UNI; my life is better and more complete because of the FSL community. In fact, my best friend in the world is in a different chapter. So not only do we get to take our own personal journeys, but we also get to ride along for the other's. How special is that? I have sisters in my chapter, and I have sisters in other ones. That's what makes UNI such a special place to be. No matter what chapter you join, your journey will be filled with smiles, laughter, and memories that last you a lifetime. UNI's FSL community has made me the woman I am today, and although I'm sad to begin my senior year, I know that these next two semesters will the most exciting road trip I've ever been on. 

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