Rho Gammas

Rho Gammas

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Emily Marie - Better Late Than Never!

I chose to go through formal sorority recruitment as a sophomore. I hadn't heard about sorority life until it was too late to go through formal recruitment my first year. I chose to visit some of the chapter's informal events my second semester freshman year but ultimately thought it would be best to go through formal recruitment. I went into recruitment having a good idea of what chapter I wanted, but I still took the time to get to know each of the other chapters. As a sophomore I felt I knew more of what I wanted out of sorority life. Yes, I wanted more friends and a place to call home at UNI, but I also wanted a life long commitment. I wanted traditions and friends to last a lifetime. Which is exactly what I got. Being in a sorority changed the way I felt about UNI. I had a reason to stay on the weekends and I had friends and a family that made it feel like home.

Kristi Ann - Jumping Right In!

I joined my freshman year, fall of 2012. I decided to go through formal recruitment because I had seen all the movies and wanted that type of sisterhood. I absolutely loved recruitment! I met so many amazing women that I am still friends with today. Joining sorority life that fall has helped me grow as a person. I went from being the shy girl in the back of the room to being the outgoing, talkative, energetic person I am today. I have learned how to manage my time with work, classes, events, and studying; become a better communicator and organizer; and have been able to reach out to the community through our philanthropy events. I can’t imagine my college career without being in a sorority. I hope everyone gets the opportunity to have a positive experience through sorority life at UNI!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Annie Gabriel - Second Chances

Growing up, I had always known I would be in a sorority; my mom had been in one and I always loved hearing how much that experience meant to her. Entering my freshman year at UNI, I quickly signed up for formal recruitment. I had some other things going on that weekend that I put before recruitment plus I wasn't sure I quite had the grades and regretfully, I dropped out of the formal recruitment process. Luckily, I had a second chance. I had a friend who joined a chapter and told me that I could still join informally! I worked extremely hard that first semester of school so that when I went to informal recruitment in the spring, I wouldn't have anything holding me back. Since joining a sorority, I have worked extremely hard to keep my grades up and be the best version of myself for my chapter. Not only am I proud to be a part of my sorority, but I know that they are proud of me in return. I am surrounded by an entire community of women who inspire and push me every day. I am so proud to be a part of the UNI Fraternity and  Sorority Life community!

Kayla Jo - Making Connections

I joined a sorority the second semester of my freshman year. I did not join first semester because I didn't think that it was for me. I didn’t think I was that “type”.  I was very involved in high school and I remember thinking that I was burnt out and just wanted time to not have commitment or any obligations to anybody but myself. Then I would just sit on my futon and after about two days I was bored. So I decided it was time to get involved again and that was the best decision I could have made. After joining I have met so many genuine people and people that I know will be there for me for years to come whether we talk every day or not. I have also made so many connections that are going to help me in the future.  I love being a part of a system that is not just here on the UNI campus but across the country. This system connects you to campuses across the country because becoming a part of the Greek System you are becoming a part of something bigger than you could have ever imagined.

Alyssa Elizabeth - "I'm Not That Kind of Girl"

When I first came to UNI, I did not know anyone because none of my friends from high school came here. I lived at the end of my hallway and my neighbors did not talk or ever have their door open.  One day I was walking through Maucker Union and a Rho Gamma stopped me and told me about sorority life. At first I was pretty skeptical because I did not think that I was the kind of girl who would be in a sorority.  But, I still chose to sign up.  I went to Panthers on Main and absolutely fell in love with sorority life.  After that, I could not wait for recruitment to start.  That whole weekend was such a blur.  When I got my bid on Bid Day, I knew life for me had changed forever.  Now that I am two years into my chapter, I have never felt more blessed to have such a close knit support system of women who have the biggest hearts in the world.  Joining Sorority Life has helped me grow into the woman that I am today.  I will never regret the decision I made in choosing Sorority Life.

Cheltzie Briana Michele - New School, Same Sorority

My sorority journey is pretty unique. I joined my sorority at a previous university, and was able to switch chapters when I decided to transfer schools for a new major halfway through my sophomore year. It was the scariest thing I'd ever done; in three semesters, my sorority had become the most important thing in my life, and I was terrified that I'd lose that when I came to UNI. Thankfully, I was completely mistaken. My sisters at my new chapter at UNI welcomed me in with open arms. They saw that I was struggling with the transition, but they invited me to study, get meals, and just hang out all the time. In fact, I was even able to run for a position, and these girls who had never even met me elected me to serve my new chapter. It was a tough semester, but I was so lucky to have a place of belonging at UNI when everything else was new and unfamiliar. 
I've been at UNI for three semesters now, and I'll be going into my last year here this fall. I honestly cannot believe that this has only been my home for a short amount of time. I have been given opportunities to represent my chapter at conferences, serve in other positions, and plan an organize events. My sorority has helped me grow and conquer challenges I never expected, the most surprising of all being focused on personal development. When I joined the UNI FSL community, I was a little out of place, and a lot nervous; honestly that's laughable now! I have made so many friends in this community, I feel empowered every day, and I am a better person because of this experience. The best version of me, actually. 
My journey will be different than any of yours, but that's what makes it special. It's unique. It's mine. I am so excited for you to begin your journey here at UNI. The road may begin as scary, and eventually you'll hit bumps, twists, and many dead ends, but the best thing about traveling through this experience is that you will never travel alone. My sisters are right next to me with junk food, maps, and loud music to ensure that my journey is as fun, beneficial, and life-changing as it possibly can be. I have met my soulmates at UNI; my life is better and more complete because of the FSL community. In fact, my best friend in the world is in a different chapter. So not only do we get to take our own personal journeys, but we also get to ride along for the other's. How special is that? I have sisters in my chapter, and I have sisters in other ones. That's what makes UNI such a special place to be. No matter what chapter you join, your journey will be filled with smiles, laughter, and memories that last you a lifetime. UNI's FSL community has made me the woman I am today, and although I'm sad to begin my senior year, I know that these next two semesters will the most exciting road trip I've ever been on. 

Kara Michelle - Finding A Home

I came to UNI my sophomore year and it was a huge adjustment. Everyone had already established their friend groups so I spent a lot of time in my dorm, I know kind of sad. Second semester I became very home sick, and I had a couple girls in my class who were in a sorority. We talked about it and I asked how they joined. I ended up going to their informal recruitment. I fell in love with the house and the connections I made immediately, and I realized how much a sorority could benefit me as a person. I have had the best experience and I know college could never be the same if I would have never joined a sorority. What I pay for I get back through mixers, formals, philanthropy, and house projects. I find it very easy to manage my time. Using those Greek study table and holding myself accountable to get good grades. My dad was very supportive, help saw this was something I really wanted to do, but my mom was skeptical. Since joining she has seen me grow and value the connections I have made. Being in a sorority has helped my grades and my GPA has improved. I have mentors, and study hours that help me stay on track. Even as a Senior I appreciate every little bit of help. Living in a sorority house is probably one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. However you don't have to live in the sorority house, but I would recommend it! I formed closer friendship living with sisters in the house and there is always something to do or someone to hang out with.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Courtney Marie - The Best Fit!

I went through recruitment as a freshmen, and it was the best weekend I've ever had at UNI! A UNI alumni persuaded me to go through the process, and at first I was a bit skeptical. I decided to go through with an open mind, and ended up meeting so many amazing people. After preference night, I had the hardest time deciding between two chapters. I finally decided on the chapter where I felt most comfortable conversing with the girls, and I have never regretted the decision. I had found my support group, best friends, and sisters, and it has made my college experience absolutely unbelievable. 

Carey Lyn - A Life Changing Experience!

I was actually not going to go through recruitment. I went through recruitment because my roommate at the time was going through and I didn't want to sit in my dorm room by myself. It was the best decision I have ever made. I made lifelong friends with the girls that I met at recruitment. Even though we went to separate chapters I am still very good friends with them because of the awesome community atmosphere that UNI Fraternity and Sorority Life has to offer. I have become a better person. I am more outgoing and willing to put myself out there. I wouldn't be a Rho Gamma today if it wasn't for the sororities on campus. It has truly changed my life. I have made lifelong friends, and I have had the best college experience a girl could ask for.

Anna Jill - Love at first sight!

I did not want to go through recruitment when I got here.  I had signed up in the summer on a whim and then I hung out with my best guy friend all of the first week and thought that I didn't need to go through.  I told my parents that I would go because I spent the money and would just drop the process without joining.  I was so wrong.  I got to recruitment and I immediately made friends with some of the girls in my group.  I was meeting more people in recruitment than I had in my whole first week of school!  Then the house tours started; all of the houses were cute and the girls were so nice.  But then I went to my chapter and I really fell in love.  Everything about it made me want to come back every single day.  I knew that if I was going to stick to this Sorority Life thing, I belonged there.  I went through the rest of Formal Recruitment with a huge smile on my face.  The community as a whole was so cool and I could always tell that everyone in the chapters loved it.  For me, there was one chapter that always stood out in every round and I was all for it.  My decision wavered a little with the financial commitment because I would be paying for it on my own. The finances were broken down for me by a Rho Gamma, and I discovered that it was really manageable to pay for it by myself.  After that, I had an easy decision in front of me.  It's wasn't like that for a lot of my friends who went through.  When I got my bid, I couldn't have been happier!  In my experience here, it has become more about the community than the chapter and I'm still happier than ever.  I don't think I would have found better friends than the ones I made here. I would go through again in a heartbeat if I was given the chance!